newness- snow tubing

I am dedicating the “Newness” tag to things that I do that are very very new.

I am a huge advocate of trying new things. It keeps life fun and I generally find that I learn a TON about myself in the process.

This past weekend I got the opportunity to go Snow Tubing up in Midway, Utah. We went to a place called Solider Hollow. I have to admit, it was extremely hard to wake up that morning and get myself out of bed in the wee hours of about 9 or 10am. After all, it was a Saturday, and those shouldn’t exist before noon.  But it was SO WORTH IT!!!

My roommate and dear friend, Sara, and I donned our layers of clothes, hats, gloves, scarves, and jackets and headed out. At the bottom of the hill we grabbed tubes and were conveyer-belted (yes, I just made up that word) up to the top where we could choose between 5 different slides dug out of the snow.

Sara and I went with a group of people and got to go down all together in a cluster. IT WAS AWESOME! Slowly the hill started to get more and more crowded but we got to go down quite a few times in the 2hr span we were there.

(I was able to get a little clip of us going down, I don’t recommend having your phone out while tubing though, a friend dropped her’s not too long after this… or was it before? I’m a little too much of a rebel sometimes)

Solider Hollow seemed to have a lot to offer on top of the activity we were there for. They were offering free classes on cross-country skiing as well as opportunities to snowshoe. I hopefully will be making another trip in the near future to try my hand at one of those.

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