jammin’- ellie goulding

“And now I know the truth, that anything can happen”… even seeing Ellie live in concert!

Ok so cool story, earlier this year I was on a Secret kick. Like The Secret? Have you heard of it? The movie is awesome, the book is awesome, you should check it out. In essence, many different people come together and talk about basically The Law of Attraction. That whatever you think about will come about. For example, you wake up in the morning and stub your toe, then you get toothpaste on your shirt, and before you know it your day is spiraling out of control. This is because when you stubbed your toe you automatically might have thought “Dang, what a rotten day!” and you kept that thought amongst other negative ones going, hence bringing about the toothpaste and the traffic and the boss yelling at you. BUT if when you stubbed your toe you thought “Ouch, but hey that’s not going to ruin my day” then went on being thankful for the day and filling your life with positivity, things seem to go a whole lot smoother.

In The Secret they also talk about envisioning something you want and acting as if you already have it and things will open up to where that opportunity will arise. They have awesome success stories about this.

Well one day I was in the car driving around Salt Lake when my friend Jase popped into my mind. He  was a great friend of mine in high school and I thought about how I hadn’t talked to him in at least a year. A little bit later “Lights” by Ellie Goulding came on the radio and I thought “How fun would it be to see her in concert?” No sooner had both thoughts came into my mind, they were gone. Not even a few hours later I was sitting at home when I got two text messages, one was from a friend saying Ellie was coming to the area and asked if we should get tickets. Um YES. And the other was from Jase asking if I would be around that next weekend because he was randomly coming into town. Weird huh? That whole “positive thought” stuff does work.

So May came around and a few friends and I finally got the chance to see Ellie live and it was spectacular. I loved the venue (The Saltair) although it was a bit crammed, so much so that Steph and I almost got in a fight with a guy who shoved us. Rude. But exciting!


Hands-down my favorite song was “The Writer” I even put a clip of it on GiveItaGoBlog’s instagram. But I realized that I never really listened to the lyrics of “Anything Could Happen” and guess what… it’s all about The Secret. At least that’s what I interpret it to be about. Crazy huh, it all came full circle.

So I highly encourage you to research The Secret and take from it what resonates with you (I like to add God into it, makes more sense for me that way) and go fill your life with gratitude and positivity. I promise amazing things could happen… really anything could happen.

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